Why I Want to Have a Blog
It all started in high school. I was not yet married and my future husband was still living in Austria. My kids were not even people I could have imagined existing.
But I had a bug for writing. I enjoyed my creative writing class. Literature class. When I learned what linguistics was in college I flipped.
I majored in creative writing at first, but soon switched to accounting, just because my English professors showed us a chart of how much (little) we could expect to make as writers. Maybe I should have stuck with it. Either way, I'm happy to say I have a good income and if I ever had to be on my own, I could easily do it. Not that I'm planning to leave my husband, but life happens.
By the way, he's not really from Austria. He is European, though. I changed that detail so no one can recognize me. He already cheated once. Well, twice if you count before we were married. He actually cheated the night of our engagement party. Oh, actually it was four times. I forgot about the time in Cancun and the other time with my sister's best friend. Yup. I'd better hold onto my accounting job.
My daughter Sienna is just like him. She has bright blue eyes, strawberry blonde hair, the cutest smile, and flirts like crazy. Never mind that she's only eleven. She's 11 going on 30. She's going to have to be kept on a short leash in a few years. Not literally, people! But I don't want to have to visit an abortion clinic with her. She's already had two "boyfriends." Their dates were chaperoned. The furthest she's gone so far is holding hands. But one thing leads to another. We're keeping her engrossed in activities like dance, gymnastics, summer camp, computer coding, swimming, baking, and more. My husband and I figure that if she's so tired after a day of school and fun she'll be too busy to seek out any kind of romance. Of course in a few years that will change. Hopefully, she'll understand that it's important to think twice about doing anything that could lead to further stress for her. She avoids stress. So maybe that's the best route to take. Not like she's lazy, but she definitely avoids situations that cause her to get her feathers ruffled.
My daughter Blake is just the opposite. She's a tomboy all the way. She's thirteen and all she cares about is Minecraft. That, and softball. She's actually older but seems younger than her sister. I don't think she thinks about boys yet. Actually, her big concern is which high school to attend. She's a model student. Her big issue is her weight. She also has blue eyes and blonde hair but she's full figured, even at her age. It's been a source in insecurity for her. Does she overeat? Not that I can tell. It must be genetic. My Mom has always been a larger woman. Maybe this has something to do with why Blake is so unconcerned about pairing off? No boys have had crushes on her and she has come to me and seemed unconcerned, but I think deep down she really does hope one day a boy will like her. She isn't jealous of her sister. She's even told me that she'd never be able to deal with all the attention Sienna gets. Even adults stop and comment on her pretty face. Just the other day we were shopping, well it was before the lockdown, and some woman came up to us and told her that she was beautiful and she should take care of her skin. Blake would have been mortified. So maybe it's best she doesn't attract that kind of attention. She wants to be recognized for her sports abilities and her academic achievements. I think Blake is going further in life, but Sienna will probably marry rich. It's just inevitable.
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